Can My Dog Eat This? - Seeds
This is our latest post in the series covering foods that your dog can / should eat or avoid completely. We break it down into bitesize articles and will cover everything from artichokes to antelope! These are all extracts from Jo’s upcoming book called “Can My Dog Eat This?”
Chia Seeds
These little seeds are more powerful than they look! They are packed with Omega 3 essential fatty acids so a great addition to your dog’s meal. Chia seeds are also a good source of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, vitamins B12 and B3, and potassium.
Chia seeds offer more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach, more antioxidants than blueberries, and more calcium than milk! They are a superfood and can be sprinkled in their food on a regular basis.
Chia seeds can also hold water, which helps keep your dog hydrated longer and can help slow digestion, helping with blood sugar regulation and gives your dog a feeling of being full. They can be particularly beneficial for dogs needing to lose weight or diabetic dogs.
Flaxseed/Linseed and Hemp Seed
Bursting with benefits, flaxseeds are super!
Flaxseed is a good source of Omega 3 essential fatty acid, although not necessarily in the format that our dogs need, and high in fibre. They are great anti-inflammatories and help to protect and nourish the myelin sheath, so good for dogs with joint issues or degenerative nervous system diseases for example.
Flaxseeds are best stored in the fridge as they’re slightly higher in oil than other seeds which can make them turn rancid faster. Flaxseed oil can be a great addition to a dog’s meal giving a magnesium and Vitamin B1 boost.
Hemp seeds are packed full of iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc vital for building a strong immune system. Hemp seeds do not contain phytic acid.